October 7, 2023April 5, 2024Greece Acharnés Law firm and lawyer Acharnés, Attikí, Greece, 38.0833, 23.7333, GR [city, admin name, country, lat, lng, iso]
October 7, 2023April 6, 2024Greece Ioánnina Law firm and lawyer Ioánnina, Ípeiros, Greece, 39.6636, 20.8522, GR [city, admin name, country, lat, lng, iso]
October 7, 2023March 25, 2024Greece Kallithéa Law firm and lawyer Kallithéa, Attikí, Greece, 37.9500, 23.7000, GR [city, admin name, country, lat, lng, iso]
October 7, 2023March 25, 2024Greece Lárisa Law firm and lawyer Lárisa, Thessalía, Greece, 39.6417, 22.4167, GR [city, admin name, country, lat, lng, iso]
October 7, 2023April 4, 2024Greece Vólos Law firm and lawyer Vólos, Thessalía, Greece, 39.3667, 22.9333, GR [city, admin name, country, lat, lng, iso]
October 7, 2023March 22, 2024Greece Peristéri Law firm and lawyer Peristéri, Attikí, Greece, 38.0167, 23.6833, GR [city, admin name, country, lat, lng, iso]
October 7, 2023April 2, 2024Greece Pátra Law firm and lawyer Pátra, Dytikí Elláda, Greece, 38.2500, 21.7333, GR [city, admin name, country, lat, lng, iso]
October 7, 2023March 26, 2024Greece Irákleio Law firm and lawyer Irákleio, Kríti, Greece, 35.3403, 25.1344, GR [city, admin name, country, lat, lng, iso]
October 7, 2023March 30, 2024Greece Piraeus Law firm and lawyer Piraeus, Attikí, Greece, 37.9430, 23.6469, GR [city, admin name, country, lat, lng, iso]
October 7, 2023April 5, 2024Greece ThessalonÃki Law firm and lawyer Thessaloníki, Kentrikí Makedonía, Greece, 40.6403, 22.9347, GR [city, admin name, country, lat, lng, iso]