August 21, 2023April 6, 2024Greece Kamateró Law firm and lawyer Kamateró, Attikí, Greece, 38.0597, 23.7120, GR [city, admin name, country, lat, lng, iso]
August 21, 2023March 24, 2024Greece Ílion Law firm and lawyer Ílion, Attikí, Greece, 38.0333, 23.7000, GR [city, admin name, country, lat, lng, iso]
August 21, 2023March 25, 2024Greece Ptolemaḯda Law firm and lawyer Ptolemaḯda, Dytikí Makedonía, Greece, 40.5167, 21.6833, GR [city, admin name, country, lat, lng, iso]
August 19, 2023March 27, 2024Greece Thérmi Law firm and lawyer Thérmi, Kentrikí Makedonía, Greece, 40.5500, 23.0167, GR [city, admin name, country, lat, lng, iso]
August 19, 2023April 4, 2024Greece Kalamariá Law firm and lawyer Kalamariá, Kentrikí Makedonía, Greece, 40.5833, 22.9500, GR [city, admin name, country, lat, lng, iso]
August 18, 2023March 24, 2024Greece Petroúpoli Law firm and lawyer Petroúpoli, Attikí, Greece, 38.0333, 23.6833, GR [city, admin name, country, lat, lng, iso]
August 18, 2023March 29, 2024Greece Elefsína Law firm and lawyer Elefsína, Attikí, Greece, 38.0333, 23.5333, GR [city, admin name, country, lat, lng, iso]
August 17, 2023April 5, 2024Greece Paianía Law firm and lawyer Paianía, Attikí, Greece, 37.9500, 23.8500, GR [city, admin name, country, lat, lng, iso]
August 16, 2023April 5, 2024Greece Níkaia Law firm and lawyer Níkaia, Attikí, Greece, 37.9667, 23.6333, GR [city, admin name, country, lat, lng, iso]
August 16, 2023March 23, 2024Greece Préveza Law firm and lawyer Préveza, Ípeiros, Greece, 38.9500, 20.7333, GR [city, admin name, country, lat, lng, iso]